Monday, June 1, 2015

Comma chameleon

It's not that I don't have options.  I do.  It's viable options that seem to elude me.

Like Metal Guy...he actually emailed me a few days ago and told me that I have a pretty smile.  Thanks.  I appreciate compliments.  And I do have a pretty smile, if I may say so myself.  I do because I don't have piercings in my mouth chipping away at the enamel.  Might be something to consider.

Daily I receive emails like that as well as notifications from a variety of sites telling me that someone is interested in me, wants to meet me, viewed me, likes me or possibly wants to dismember me and eat my toes in chowder.

But even more horrifying than that possibility are the people who don't use punctuation.  As I've said before, correct spelling and grammar are to me what the red room is to Christian Grey.

So as we see above, use of commas and periods is not his forte.  Nor is the use of capitalization and, apparently, anti-depressants.  I'm about as turned off right now as a city block after a transformer fire.

Ditto for this guy.  I know piercing.  I don't know per icing.  Please tell me that your dessert frosting is not telling you to get tattoos.  Although that could explain some of the people on here.  My cupcake told me to get that velociraptor inked on my face.  Maybe time to lay off the drugs.  And hicking?  Is that like cow tipping except you're knocking over meth heads in the Ozarks?    

And then there's this guy.  

Wow.  I am really sorry about what happened to you and I appreciate your pain and mistrust but I really don't think I want to get mixed up in that besides the spelling errors and five-and-a-half pairs of quotes are driving me insane and you should know that I keep a gun in my bedroom.  

Oh God.  I wrote a run-on sentence.  The ganache told me to do it.

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