Monday, February 8, 2016

These are not the men you're looking for

With the busy holiday season, two trips, involvement in a couple big events, work and just life in general, I still haven't managed to see the new Star Wars flick.  But never fear, searching for a mate online is just as entertaining.

Did you know that there are 380 men on Match that include "Jedi" in their username?  And this is after I alphabetized them and removed any with the real name Jedidiah.  (I do accurate research, people.)

And look at the results on OKCupid who list "Jedi" as an interest.  And even more scary than five minutes in the closet with Emperor Palpatine is the number of men who list "Jedi Mind Tricks" as an interest.  That's like listing Quidditch and talking farm animals as interests.  Not.  Real.

Who are these people you ask?  Here's a smattering.  Note the tattoos.  And lightsabers.  And Yoda.

And what appears to be inappropriate activity with a cardboard wookie.

Speaking of wookies...

And this guy is full on:

I can think of 159 people who are totes jelly of this profile pic.

These guys would probably appreciate my CPAP since I look very similar to Princess Leia in The Empire Strikes Back when I go to sleep.  You know, when Han hides the Falcon in the mynock cave.

Oh God, why do I know she's in a mynock cave?  I know too much.  Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope...