Tuesday, January 26, 2016

New year, new man?

In a weak moment I re-upped with Match.com today.  I don't know why.  I'm a glutton for punishment.  I had $60 to blow.  I have buyer's remorse.

Right away I get this notification:

The one what?  The one to put me in his trunk?  The one to leave me in assorted trash bags along a mile of rural highway?  Kind of a hardened selfie there, chief.

He's probably a nice guy...Dateline reports that the young woman said to her friend shortly before she disappeared...sorry, sidebar.  But I figured out who he is.  He's the one (of many) that doesn't use capitals, punctuation or complete sentences...

His entire email:

And his profile:

I just can't escape these guys.  I stand a better chance escaping from a trunk.

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